website brief:
create the homepage for a new artist or band created by you.
new artist research:
name:g-eazy,ksi,,jay z,snoop dogg,drake,2 pac,Eminem,drake,50 cent EtC

song titles/album names:
October 2nd 2017
create the homepage for a new artist or band created by you.
new artist research:
name:g-eazy,ksi,,jay z,snoop dogg,drake,2 pac,Eminem,drake,50 cent EtC

song titles/album names:
October 2nd 2017
my artist profile
-likes to wear casual types of clothes jeans,hoodies etc and always has a quiff
-huge dollar(album)
-Belfast boy(song)
-links to social media like Instagram,snapchat,twitter and Facebook.
-black is used to link with the type of things he raps about.
-there is images of him and all his friends with dark clothes and it represents they are from a rough area.
the colours on his homepage are dark and dull to go with the things Stormy raps about.
branding 6/11/17 L/O- To explore the concept of branding and to create an effective brand image.
-Stormzy is linked with adidas and he has done collaborations with other artist from different genres such as Ed Sheeran.
photo manipulation Monday 4th December
LO:To explore a variety techniques for editing photos
levels & adjustments
colour popping

changing background
finished website ! 😋
L\O:to complete and evaluate website.
I made an attempt to create a website for my artist anth for information about him scroll up ↑↑
my website was created for a rapper,this is shown by the colour pallet and the front cover
I made it black and white because it goes with what he raps about.
Well done Anthony - some good ideas but your work lacks detail
- Photography skills - composition & MES
- Photoshop skills
- Not sure your theme matches the genre
- research needs more detail