music industry
Thursday 6th September
The music industry
lo:to identify and explain different music genres.
music genres
-pop=pop artists normally wear the most modern clothes and most likely has an acoustic sound in music due to the guitar and drums it can variety between a fast and/or slow tempo this is the same with dynamics they can be loud or quiet and normally sing about relationships or past experiences
-rock=usually wear darker clothes and look gothic and also sound electric due to the guitar and drums also the vocals include louder dynamics and fast tempos and often tend to sing about relationships or something they are passionate about in an angry or passionate way.
-hip hop
-heavy metal
-blues=blues artist normally wear quite formal clothes like suits or fancy dresses and sound electric when singing this is due to the electric guitar and drums also there could be a key board in a band or playing along side an artist theres usually a slow tempo and a variety of dynamics when singing about love or relation ships mostly.
-j pop
-dub step
-new wave
The target audience for pop is 14-26 yr olds.
radio stations
BBC radio 1
BBC radio 5 live
capital london
BBC world service
music magazines
lo:to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines.
Thursday 13th September 2018

typography=a technique to make writting more appealing
layout=blueprint of a printed or published work
lexis=the choice of words used
colour pallet=choice of main colours used.
mise-en-scene=props light costume setting etc

There is mainly bright colours including pink and purple it also has the same camera shot for the majourity of of the covers it also has big fonts with a big range of font types and word choicesand the lay out is the same for the most part.

These covers have mainly black white and red and like the pop covers the shot types are 99%the same. the font type doesnt really vary unlike the lexis.

the colour pallet is normaly white and red and the content is normally the artists face with the same typography throughout all of the covers and the normally have similar lexis.
music magazines & audiences
title=we love pop
age range=12-16
-colour pale =pink
-aimed at girls
-sexual orientation=straight
-no job
-in school
-existing or new audience
-mass or niche

Genre & Target Audience
Thursday 20th September
LO:to identify target audiences for variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes.
age 30-45
race any
location UK
employment status Any
The dark colours connote the idea of a more predominantly masculine and older TA
the cover is a rock band so this shows the TA is older men interested in a rock genre.
All text is in capital letters this is yet another sign of masculinity. the content in this cover involves things such as older rock artists which are predominantly males.

age 13-16
race any
location UK&USA
employment statement unemployed
bright colours connote the upbeat nature of pop music and will appeal to a younger target audience.
the main cover image is of Justin Bieber who is quite popular to teenage girls predominantly and is a pop artist.The pop artist on this cover is relatively young this proves he couldn't of been in the music industry for the longest of times.The mast head is in an italic font which is more feminine.
age 18-25
race black
location USA
statement any
the really basic colour palet and the main cover image show the target audience that this is a rap and hip hop magazine.
The capital letters are more masculine.
this style suggests high production values and important of style-appeals to young aspirers and trend setters who value appearance and style.

age 17-24
race any
location any
employment status any
the target audience is predominantly towards a rebellious man or men.the colour palette is also very stereotypical towards men
mojo magazine
genre=MOJO is THE MUSIC EXPERT – a magazine of high brand values and integrity. A carefully crafted musical archive covering the very best of music across genres. From classic and modern rock, folk, soul, country to reggae, electronic and experimental.
on January 15th 2018 mojos magazines had a certificate for selling 62779 in 2017.
published initially by EMAP
artists featured
-bob marley
-arctic monkeys
-the smiths
-the glash
price= around £5
The magazine industry Thursday 27th september
lo:to explore the magazine industry ownership,regulation & revenue.
conglomerate: a large company composed of a number of smaller companies a large company composed of a number of smaller companies
globalised: operates world wide
diversify:branch out into different areas of the media industry
regulation: setting standards/rules for other companies to go by
revenue:money that had been made
circulation:the number of copies you would sell each issue
whats on TV: ti media
radio times: immediate media company
TV choice: bauer
take a break: bauer
good housekeeping: hearst magazines
cosmopolitan: hearst magazines
bbc gardeners world: immediate media company
Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) and impress
magazine cells
classified advertising
magazine sells have reduced over ten years because technology is too advanced.
they would be losing a lot of money in that industry so they would make websites
MOJO magazine Monday 1st October 2018
L/O: to explore & define the magazine's target audience
-published by Bauer
-award winning
-high quality articles
-new and old artist
-always popular
-biggest magazines in the UK
-if your featured in mojo "you matter"
-music expert
-a magazine of high brand values and integrity
-it prefers to celebrate quality over popularity
mojo audience
it has a niche audience:a very specific target audience
demographic=68% male
mean age=42
ABC1 profile=49%
employment status=well paid job
values=like the good things in life
interests=passionate about music
earn a lot (university paid job)
spend money on festivals
subscribe to music streams
buys CDs.

Thursday 4th October 2018 uses and gratification theory
personal identity
-music magazines often address the fandom of specialized audience
-aspiration role models included
-iconic cover artists
-also reinforce values
-value authenticity and passion
-tend to focus on rock
social interaction
-offer news or gossip about artist
-include things to ask questions or start debate
-they follow a simple format and follow same thing every month
-magazine is seen as something reliable
-tells similar things each months to seem familiar to a reader
-range of entertainment
-gives escapement of day to day life
-comedy gossip
-CDs and other free gifts
-striking visuals
-offer sense of being in contact
-a way to get information of the music world regularly
-short articals
Thursday 11th October
babyboomer=a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate.
diversification=the process of a company enlarging or varying its range of products or field of operation.
audience address=As a result, direct audience address is now a more common and completely acceptable convention
discerning=As a result, direct audience address is now a more common and completely acceptable convention
house style=a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material.

Thursday 11th October
babyboomer=a person born in the years following the Second World War, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate.
diversification=the process of a company enlarging or varying its range of products or field of operation.
audience address=As a result, direct audience address is now a more common and completely acceptable convention
discerning=As a result, direct audience address is now a more common and completely acceptable convention
house style=a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material.

dave grohl was in a band called foo fighters it was a rock band
nirvana was an american rock band formed by curt cobain
lou reed is the leed singer for a band named the velvet underground it was a rock band
ian dury and the block heads was his band and it was a rock band
shot type
star vehicle
dave grohl
color palet
black & blue
artists mentioned
dave grohl
mast head
dave grohl
159 reviews
free cd
placement of text
mojo analysis
L/O:to analyse the cover of mojo magazine,linking it to genre and audience
The mid shot of Dave Grohl potrais him as serious by his facial expression,this tells the target audience that he takes music seriously as do the target audience who buys the magazines.
colour pallete used:white,yellow,black,red & grey are mainly masculine to appeal to the predominantly male target audience.
the masthead is modern sans-serif font and block capitals and says mojo the reason for the specific font is that it has to be more masculine to suit the predominantly male audience.
main cover line uses serif block font this also has maculine features to appeal to the male TA.
minor cover lines use same font style as main CL but mix of block caps & sentence case.
A free CD is included with this magazine which is good because it includes classical music to try interest people in certain music genres and content that MOJO provides.
representation Thursday 1st Nov
L/O:to explore the concept of representation in music magazines.
list the common stereotypes used in media for the following groups:
-teenagers :moody
:always on social media
:drink alcohol
-men :good at sport
:like beer
:stronger than women
:dont do housework
-americans :own guns
-lesbians :have short hair
:dye their hair
:hate men

tattoos represents -rebelliousness or masculinity
expression shows -he is a humble pop star
guitar tells us -he makes his own music and as original in terms of music
hair and clothes -show a modern style

Ed Sheeran is presented as creative i know this because of his guitar and his tattoos the reason his guitar presents him as creative is because it shows he creates his own music and the reason for his tattoos is because they are bright and colourful.
His clothes present him as modern,yet not the same as every other pop artist this shows originality and wants to be his own artist.
His tattoos could show masculinity or rebelliousness if being stereotypical.
stereotypically his music is aimed towards white people.

-if i where a boy and uptown funk
uptown funk
-bruno mars and mark ronson
-uptown funk
-september 2014
-mark ronson

-presented as stylish

if i where a boy
-october 13th 2008
-if i were a boy
-song is a bout romantic relationship gone bad
-presented as upset
-featuring R.Kelly
-diegetic sound

media language in music videos
22nd november 2018
establishing shots=An establishing shot is usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place.
low angle,high angle,canted angle or aerial shots=a photograph or film sequence taken from below the subject
elaborate camera movement=The camera is mounted on a cart which travels along tracks for a very smooth movement.
hand held camera=Hand-held camera or hand-held shooting is a filmmaking and video production technique in which a camera is held in thecamera operator's hands as opposed to being mounted on a tripod or other base
media language in music videos
Thursday 29th November 2018
L/O: to explore and analyse the use of media language in chosen case studies.
analyse the media language in your music videos. how are they similar/ different.
Uptown funk
-The artists do perform,to the camera.
-The setting is natural but is no sense of naturalism within
-It follows pop because its bright colours and a lot of performance
-There is no special effects and transitions are just ordinary
-The narrative is linear and developed
-The camera work is smooth and controlled
-Saturated brightness
-It promotes that looks and money is valuable
If i were a boy
-The artist does not perform in this music video.
-There isn't a sense of naturalism in this music video
-It is diegetic sounds
Thursday 6th December 2018
uptown funk (Bruno Mars)
1.what sexuality is assumed if it covers love?
2.what ideal or values does it celebrate or highlight
-having fun and being young and not caring what anyone thinks. is race represented?(or not)
-multi racial and that both are equal in america is gender presented?how is age presented?
-only males in this music video and when there is females there only there to be sexualised and for the males to look at.
and there is only men at around 20-30 Y/O. is disability represented?
its not at all?
6.what stereotypes are used?
gang stereotypes are used because they played around with outfits and how they are all matching but different colours and hats and chains. are artist represented
represented as heterosexual is the US society represented?
US is represented as accepting of all races
9.what is shown as attractive in this video?
all the females
10.are any messages being sent out?
being young and having fun.

If i where a boy (Beyonce)
1.what sexuality is assumed if it covers love?
2.what ideal or values does it celebrate or highlight
females and men should be equal is race represented?(or not)
the stereo typical R&B artist is african american is gender presented?how is age presented?
predominantly female is disability represented?
its not
6.what stereotypes are used?
the stereo typical R&B artist is african american are artist represented
represented as heterosexual is the US or UK society represented?
US because police uniform and coffee shops
9.what is shown as attractive in this video?
Beyonce because she is feminine and presented sexualy
10.are any messages being sent out?
equality for both genders

exam practice Thursday 13th December
LO:to review representation of videos and practice exam style question
-both urban location witch give sense of naturalism(similar)
-artistic expressive editing(similar)
-both highly stylised(similar)
-both give messages about treating women but in very different ways(similar)
-both intertextuality in the streets (similar)
-beyonce intertextuality police shows
uptown funk undieagetic
beyonce dieagetic
uptown funk saturated
beyonce black and white
uptown funk conventional shots emphasise movement
beyonce continual
uptown funk humour
beyonce connotes realism
both connote heterosexual
both present masculinity and women being objects
stereo typical
uptown funk uses humour
exam practice

Beyonce and Bruno Mars both use types of editing which differ in their music videos.
In "if I where a boy" producers use an unsaturated effect; monochrome which helps her connote a serious message of equality.
whereas in "uptown funk" producers use different coloured jackets and primary colours which are very vibrant compared to the dull grey urban background which suggests they are trying to stand out.
exam practice
LO:to review representation of videos and practice exam style question.
radio 1 live lounge
LO:to research the radio industry and BBC radio 1.
how many national radio stations do the BBC operate? 10
how many regional radio stations do they operate? 1+
how are they funded? tv liscence
who is direct competition to PSD radio? comercial radio station
name 5 different comercial radio stations? bbc radio 1,2,3,4 and 5 live
what different ways can people listen to BBC radio 1? streaming
radio tv

Monday 14th January 2019
LO:To explore how BBC radio 1 meets its PSB remit and meets the needs of its target audience.
public service broadcast
In the United Kingdom, the term "public service broadcasting" refers to broadcasting intended for public benefit rather than to serve purely commercial interests.
Radio 1
every radio station has their own identity brand.
intertextual refrences to the pop culture.
their main listeners are 15-29
-to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners.
-its target audience is 15 to 29 Y/O
How have radio 1 met the remit?
Radio 1 has met the remit by interesting and engaging a broad range of young listeners.
evidence that they interest younger audience is that there is something about young writers for example.
The merging of previously distinct media technologies and media forms due to digitization and computer networking.
1)the advantage for BBC is that they get money from publicity and gives audience more ways to access content
2)the advantage for vevo is that all the things bbc streams leave after a while but stay on vevo
3)the advantage for audience is that there is more devices they can stream things on and also no time limit.
plurality=The fact or state of being plural.
I think appropriate scheduling is making sure things that are on tv or being broadcasted are well suited for they time they are bing played to suit the correct target audience.
my pitch
My idea is to create a broadcast involving teens and young adults and things that they find interesting for example things about pop music and details about festivals and events
I would broadcast it from youtube or websites
You would have to be aware of things like audience interference
I would broadcast at around late afternoon/early evening to suit young adults and teens sleep schedule it would also be at the weekend so school is not affected by this.

live lounge
L/O:To analyse the structure of the live lounge & the audience appeal.
by being hosted by both radio 1 and 1extra allows artists to be broadcast across two of the radio platform
Clara Amfo
Clara Amfo is a radio presenter in the United Kingdom. She currently presents the mid-morning show on BBC Radio 1 which she replaced Fearne Cotton on 25 May 2015.
Ace returned to Radio 1eXtra in 2014 to cover various weekend programmes. In May 2015 Ace officially re-joined 1eXtra to present weekend breakfast from 6 to 10 am.
what are the audience appeals of the live lounge
-there is a bigger range of artists and genre, more social media autotune authenticity
why is it different to the other radio stations?
-songs are acoustic.
-they don't practice before playing.
-you can access vevo and iplayer and cbeebies and bitesize from the website and past streams.
-the artist mentioned is Ariana Grande, Benji B
-other live lounge products available are music albums and signs and annual CD.
ink splash

photo to
Terminology - Good definitions
ReplyDeleteGenre Conventions - shows some understanding - need more details
Target Audience - Need more work on the psychographics
Analysis - good start
DIRT: Be careful, don't just link to the male part of the TA- link the elements to the likes/dislikes of the TA.
Music Videos: Good research with some analysis of your chosen videos.
ReplyDeleteTARGET: make sure you are writing in full sentences and using accurate terminology and ensure you are talking about how the artists/setting/ideas are represented to the target audience.
Live Lounge: good research - make sure you can say how the programme meets the PSB remit